Julia, Megan & Holly inspired...

Monday, December 1, 2008

A family, a horse & some glue...

An interesting title for an interesting Sunday. I took some Christmas card pictures for a family and had great fun doing it. I think I got some good pictures even though I'm still very amatuer at this. I encountered a rather cooperative and photogenic horse and during my brief time away from the house, my sweet Holly busted her chin open. That's where the glue comes. A quick trip to the ER, a little skin glue and she's all better. All in all; a good day. Enjoy the pictures and this cooler weather!!!

Have a wonderful week!!!



amelia said...

FUn!! I love the horse!

Poor Holly, I bet that was not a fun ouchie!! How is it healing up? I have heard lots of good stuff about that bandaid glue!

Nicole Priesmeyer said...

A late show of gratitude but I can not tell you what a joy our family pics are! Thank you for sharing your talent so generously!